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by fkdlarlr 2021. 7. 2.




pen world FPS franchise is making its next-gen debut with Far Cry 6. Severing its ties to the post-apocalyptic Montana of Far Cry 5, the sixth entry in the open world franchise is a standalone offering, taking place in the Cuba-inspired Yara - a fictional island in the Caribbean. In typical Far Cry fashion, the citizens of Yara aren’t exactly having a great time, as we find Yara engulfed in violent rioting as the populace attempts to overthrow their violent dictator, El Presidente. Aside from a brilliantly cinematic reveal trailer, much of this exciting new AAA epic is shrouded in mystery. Luckily for you, we’ve uncovered a wealth of new info about Ubisoft’s highly anticipated new shooter. Here’s everything we know about Far Cry 6 so far.

Far Cry 6 release date and platforms







(Image credit: Ubisoft)

Far Cry 6 is due to launch before October 2021, Ubisoft has confirmed. Originally slated to release in February, Ubisoft’s latest has been pushed back thanks to COVID 19-related complications. Unsurprisingly, Far Cry 6 will be another cross-gen release, heading to PC, Stadia, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X consoles.

Ubisoft suggested in a recent earnings call that the official Far Cry 6 release date will be confirmed during June's Ubisoft Forward event, so stay tuned for that.

Far Cry 6 story and setting 







(Image credit: Ubisoft)

For the first time since Far Cry 3, Ubisoft’s open world will see players roaming around a land of palm trees and sand – only this time, with a heavy spell of revolution. After ruling Yara with an iron fist for fifty years, the island’s ‘El Presidente’ Antón Castillo finds himself facing a violent uprising. Played by iconic Breaking Bad actor Giancarlo Esposito, the finer details of Far Cry 6’s plot are still shrouded in mystery. We do know, however, that players will be cast in the role of revolutionary Dani Rojas – and that Dani can be either male or female, a first for the franchise. So what else can we expect from this revolutionary tale? A Ubisoft Blog interview with narrative director Navid Khavari reveals a bit more of Far Cry 6’s intriguing narrative.

"When you're looking at something as complex as an island that's been essentially cut off from the rest of the world for 50 years, been in an economic downturn, electing this leader on the back of this idea of building a new paradise, the idea with Antón is he definitely lulled people into believing this was the only answer for them. That he was the one that was going to solve all their problems," Khavari says. 

"And so for us, it became super-interesting on the character side to explore the idea of, you know, there definitely were some people that voted for him, that believed in him, that now are regretting that choice; and there are those that still support him. The intersection of those demographics and worldviews and opinions is something that plays out in the story as well."

In Ubisoft’s mission to create a more relatable villain, they explain that Antón saw his own father being executed fifty years ago, shaping his own world views and the values that he attempts to instill in his son Diego. "Anton believes that not only do the Castillos deserve to be in power, but they're the only ones that are going to be able to see Yara through to becoming a paradise once again." 

Who’s Diego? Diego is the mysterious boy you will have seen in the game’s trailer, aka Antón's son – but more on him later.

Far Cry 6 gameplay 







(Image credit: Ubisoft)

Interestingly, this will be the first Far Cry game set in an urban environment, with Khavari revealing that the city setting adds a new sense of verticality to the series. "The verticality is a complete game-changer," says narrative director Navid Khavari in the same aforementioned Ubisoft blog interview. "Being able to run across rooftops, use back alleys, fight against some of the toughest opponents in the game in this setting, I think is really unique and fresh."

So what else can players expect from life in Yara? In a recent interview with IGN, Khavari revealed that the team spent a month living in Cuba, taking the time to get to know the island while speaking to old revolutionaries about their experiences. Much like the real location Yara is based on, this fictional island has also found itself subjected to decades of trade sanctions, a fact which Ubisoft state will affect the types of weapons players find in the game:

"So when we were looking at making our fictional Yara, we loved this idea of the dynamic of 'here's an island that's been under a blockade – that has these old vintage cars, and is almost a living postcard," Khavari explains. “What we wanted to do in this game was bring that into the weaponry. The types of weapons and toys you're going to get to play with definitely have that sense of ingenuity and creativity that you kind of expect from a guerrilla movement - but it feels very fresh in terms of Far Cry."

Floof lovers and Far Cry 5 fans rejoice – because the adorable guns for hire system will be making a return in Far Cry 6. Rebranded as ‘Amigos for Hire’ Far Cry 6 promises a new host of employable AI companions to befriend through the game. The highlight so far is a wheelchair-bound sausage dog named Chorizo – and he’s quite possibly the most adorable gaming character of 2021.